Vacation along the Rio coast


Posted by whalerho | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 28-07-2017

It is January 2014 and we are in the middle of summer vacation.  The kids are all in “perfectly smushed positions” and relaxing, drawing, reading,  playing on their devices and enjoying the “no agenda” lifestyle.

IMG_4678One of Andrew’s best friends from the states came to visit us on January 1.  The next day we took off for the Porto Real Resort in Rio state.  While the drive was long (okay, very long) it was worth it!  As Ken always tells the kids, “the longer the drive, the better the place”.  After being on so many road-trips in their lives, the kids are pretty good about hitting the road and anticipating the prize at the end of the drive.



Rio state is in the north of Brazil and I had now idea how different it would be than our state, Parana, in the south of Brazil.  First of all, it was hot.  Really hot.  When we arrived at 10:00 at night, it was hot.  Odd to think that while we were experiencing “hotter than normal” temps, even for Brazil, the states were experiencing an “arctic vortex” with record setting low temps.   It took us a little while to acclimate to the heat but a quick dip in the cool ocean made us feel comfortable.