San Carlos


Posted by whalerho | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 21-12-2008

 We visited San Carlos a couple years ago and fell in love with the town. The visit was a bit marred by Ken’s flu though (boy was he sick!).  We had rented a big house on the beach which was fun but just too much darn work to keep clean. We much prefer our 350 sq ft accommodations! When we left, we knew we just had to come back one day! Who knew at that point we would return as part of a two year RV trip!?  We sure didn’t!   

We arrived in San Carlos in time to watch the sunset, glass of wine in hand. Our RV Park, the El Mirador, was THE RV park a couple years ago and voted one of the best RV parks in Mexico. Seems a gentleman bought the property 18 months ago, with great aspirations of building condominiums. The complete down turn in the real estate market in the states has also affected Mexico and he had to put his dreams on hold due to lack of demand. The word hasn’t really gotten out that this RV park was open again so we were one of about 8 rigs in the whole park. SO nice to have that much room around us! Very relaxing.

Our camp spot was up high and we had a view of the beautiful marina. We were a short walk from a lovely cove. Ken and Andrew built the kayak and spent a day cruising around the cove and beyond. We took some great walks to the marina and up and down the beach in front of all the funky beach houses.  Lots of time spent just decompressing after a busy month and a half. 

Andrew was so excited to fish again and one morning, he caught an octopus.  This was a first!  He pulled (and peeled) it in, with the help of some of the construction workers nearby. Ken cooked it up and he and Andrew crewed away on it for lunch. Just a bit too “interesting” for the girls and me.


We stayed in San Carlos for a whole week which was a great introduction to the Mexican lifestyle, ours for the next 3 months.
Our next destination. . .Mazatlan!  


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